Feb 27, 2023

Why is colour marketing important?

Why is colour important to marketing, to the right message you want to send, and to what you want to portray?


Colour Marketing

Don’t we all have a certain feeling with different colours? For example, yellow gives you a feeling of happiness, or blue may make you calm. Every colour can directly impact emotions, mood, and spending habits. A person’s mood can fluctuate during their lifetime, even during one single day. When people interact with a product or service their minds are made up within 90 seconds. 62% to 90% of this evaluation is based on colour. 


Using colours with a brand

People often link colours to emotions. For example, they often associate bright colours with positive emotions and dark colours with negative emotions. Because of the psychological reactions, many people have certain favourite, or unlikeable, colours. Choose the right colour when designing ads, logos, and websites. Change the perception of a brand by using different colors. Colour increases brand recognition and provides better awareness. 

For example, red is a highly popular colour in marketing and it is often used by fast-food chains and clearance sales. If a company wants to radiate urgency it chooses the  colour red. This colour also represents power, energy, excitement, and passion. 

For Relaciones Públicas Portugal, the colour yellow was chosen. This colour represents feelings of positivity, light, warmth, and happiness. Feelings of motivation, encouragement, hope, and optimism can also be given to people when using the colour yellow. Finally, yellow also represents creativity and fresh ideas: that is why, for example, the original post-it notes are yellow. 

But if a colour is used in large amounts, then this can also bring other feelings out in people, for example, anxiety. That is why a good colour balance is decisive. 

Think about what types of consumers you want to attract. Match the color psychology to their audience. Choose the right color combinations. This can help an organization create a positive brand perception and boost customer loyalty. Professional Public Relations can be of service when choosing a brands’ colour. 


Sources: 1, 2, 3

Tags: colour marketing, marketing, MKT, PRP, public relations, SayU Consulting