Ene 31, 2024

The future of the PR industry


It’s not news that AI is impacting the way we communicate, which is evident in the day-to-day life of Public Relations (PR) industry. However, this change does not imply a disadvantage, nor it is necessarily harmful. In fact, the forecast of AI’s influence on the PR industry is quite positive, for organisations, brands, clients, and audiences.


In recent years we’ve heard talk technology will overtake human beings and that many people will lose their jobs, being replaced by “robots”. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

A recent study reveals that almost 40% of professionals have used these tools for professional reasons and among the professionals who have already used this technology, 28% believe that their employer would agree to their use.


Two out of five (40%) users are willing to pay for an AI tool that provides faster responses and enables them to be more available for tasks that require human hands.

And it’s this greater availability it allows for what is human – creativity, the association of themes, the connection of people and events – that is the great strength of this technology.

AI was created with the purpose of helping human beings, both personally and professionally, and it is in the latter area that is has developed most critically.


When it comes to PR, AI can help people carry out tasks in a shorter time and with greater efficiency. As such, this type of technology allows professionals to be more willing to develop news skills, or cement existing ones, such as critical thinking, adaptability, editing and storytelling skills.

AI tools for PR are becoming increasingly important due to their practical applications. However, it’s important to emphasise that these new tools are virtual assistants to human beings.

Like any other assistant, AI is prone to errors and inaccuracies that PR professionals have long overcome. AI can mimic human intelligence and create content faster than ever before, but it’s our experience as humans that gives us the power to judge its performance.


These errors, misunderstandings or inaccuracies are easy to spot, as one  only needs to double-check the facts to make sure they are correct. It’s an extra step, but one that saves useful time in the long run.

Despite some difficulties that may arise, the use of AI in PR should make work more efficient, with increased productivity, effectiveness, fast and easy search, automated content creation and data driven information.

The growth of technology will continue, and the PR industry and its professionals must create their unique approach and strategies to stay ahead.

These strategies must be based on solid data, follow ethical guidelines, be rigorous in execution and innovative in delivery. With human creativity and the help of AI.

For better results, lower costs, a higher return on investment and greater customer satisfaction.

Tags: AI, PR, PR&Beyond, public relations