The Evolution of New Public Relations

The Evolution of New Public Relations

  With the evolution of technology, Public Relations professionals had to evolve in the way they work to adapt to the new challenges emerging the field.   This is not something that is special, and present only in the field of Communications. The Digital...
Public Relations Professionals of the Future

Public Relations Professionals of the Future

  The media world has undergone enormous changes in recent years. Digital Transformation has completely changed the communicational paradigm we once knew. Public Relations professionals must be able to adapt to this new reality and expand their skills.  ...
From Traditional Public Relations to New PR 2.0

From Traditional Public Relations to New PR 2.0

  Surviving in the digital age is not a simple task for brands and organizations.   This conjuncture is characterized by a vast array of new gadgets and the predominance of social media platforms. Technology brought great changes in terms of communication....
The Change in Public Relations

The Change in Public Relations

  As modern life in general changed with the evolution of digital technology, there was also a change in Public Relations. Today, professionals in the field practice an activity that is completely different from what it was just a few years ago.   They have...