Jul 30, 2021

Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism

Marketing Advertising Public Relations


There are four major communication areas: marketing, public relations, advertising, and journalism.


Companies need to have a strategy for effective brand exposure. Marketing is a tool to understand the market and to reach target audiences in a coherent way.



Firstly, Marketing studies the causes and mechanisms that govern exchange relationships (goods, services or ideas) and promotes the result of a relationship as a satisfactory sale to all parties that participate in the process. With the expansion of the use of the internet and the media coverage of social networks, Marketing Digital is getting more and more important and efficient. Because, now it is possible to understand customer behaviour and acquisition habits through the analysis of cross-referencing data across several sources.



Secondly, advertising is neither impartial nor informative. It is a professional activity dedicated to the public dissemination of ideas associated with companies, products or services. This form of communication aims to build images and opinions. It mainly uses emotion to reach the public, or the repetition of words to instil an idea. Advertising is the product of a strategy; it is essential for marketing to make a brand known.


Relaciones Públicas

Thirdly, PR is the practice of managing the exchange of information between an individual, an organization, or the public. The objective of this professional is to persuade potential customers, investors, partners, employees and other interested parties to maintain certain points of view on a subject. Good PR can be journalists’ right hand in the creation of texts. Although journalists defend, above all, the client’s point of view.



Finally, journalists work impartially. Because of this, they have a watch-dog role in today’s Communications. They rely on time-tested formats to transmit news information to different audiences.

All of these areas are part of Communications. However, each has its own functions and mechanics. For this reason, organizations need to consider these intelligently to be able to position themselves in the market. Marketing, public relations, advertising, and journalism working together in a complementary fashion are the keys to creating brand awareness and dealing with competitors.

Count on us to help you.

Tags: Advertising, journalism, marketing, PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, Public Relations professionals, SayU Consulting