Jul 30, 2021

The Evolution of New Public Relations

New Public Relations


With the evolution of technology, Public Relations professionals had to evolve in the way they work to adapt to the new challenges emerging the field.


This is not something that is special, and present only in the field of Communications. The Digital Transformation has already happened in most industries.


Not long ago, for a PR to meet someone, a substantial investment was needed for face-to-face contact and consequent travel. With the introduction of platforms capable of bringing together two or more people online, this task has become easier and cheaper to perform. Today’s PR professionals have unparalleled tools to stay in touch with their clients. This allows them to be more flexible, and to accommodate their partner’s needs better.


Personalized Mass Communication

A PR professional communicated in general to reach a target audience. This is because tools were used that would hardly allow you to personalize your message. Today, a PR professional is one click away from sending a message to anyone, anywhere in the world. And not just an ordinary message, but a highly personalised and interactive one.

Social networks and the Internet allow news to spread at a dizzying speed. Thanks to this PR professional can be up to date on what is going on in the world. This was not previously possible for Public Relations. Old PR had to resort to gathering information in traditional formats for this purpose. However this acceleration of news poses a new challenge to PR professionals, as bad news can also travel more quickly, leaving very little time for reaction before a scandal erupts. For this reason, expert Gestión de la Comunicación de Crisis has never been more important.


Contemporary PR professionals’ jobs are easier due to the technological advancements that help them perform better in their job. As each year passes, there are more and more novel technologies appearing on the market. Consecutively, professionals must be attentive, have to follow trends, and need to acquire new skill sets. Of course, in addition to training their existing ones.

Do you wish to explore all the possibilities of Public Relations? Ask us how.

Tags: new public relations, PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, Public Relations professionals, SayU Consulting