Sep 29, 2021

Responding to the Pandemic Challenges

The impact of the pandemic, and its multiple consequences posed many challenges.


This forced management to think differently. This goal of adaptation and redefinition is associated with Digital Transformation. New forms of Communication are not only tools for survival amidst (post-)pandemic challenges. But also investments that enhance relationships with stakeholders.


Pandemic Challenges

It is important to understand how B2B exporting companies look at the way they communicate. To see which trends are conditioning the market. We need to map out what paths open up to a more competitive and successful communication. This particularly relevant for economic growth. As the national goal in Portugal is to increase exporting rates to reach 50% of GDP by 2027.


Enter the Pandemic

Given the pandemic scenario, the need arose to understand how the role of Communication is perceived in managing the relationship with the stakeholders. Especially in B2B companies, that are the core of our business. SayU Consulting‘s concern and response to these challenges was to highlight and enhance the importance of Communication. Because it creates trusting relationships. In addition to extolling excellent products or services, or improving the optimization of production chains.

The pressure placed on the need to sell and to guarantee the operation forced us all to look for different formulas, when those used until then could not be of service – events, networking, meetings and fairs could no longer happen. Lost are the traditional contact points and there were obstacles to the relationship, fundamental to B2B Communication.

The basis for getting the message across and construct the relationship is the story. To enter, or be present in, a particular market, telling a exciting and compelling story is as important today as it ever was. A good and beautifully told story continues to make a difference, whatever the nature of the brand. And trust is the base for this relationship.


Communication Intervention

This is where it matters to talk about Communication and where SayU’s intervention is decisive. Managing Communication is actually managing the interaction and seeking negotiation and cooperation with a goal. Communication allows companies to give meaning and add value to their activity. That is why it is so relevant to think about it when we are talking about managing the relationship with stakeholders. The Communication supports a set of processes that are the foundation of a B2B environment: trust, credibility, cooperation, clarity and knowledge.

In B2B Communication relationships are everything, it is the brand and reputation that will help to consolidate this relationship. For a company, it is more important than ever to think in the long term, enhancing resilience and connection with the market.

Tags: pandemic, PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, SayU Consulting, stakeholders