Juil 30, 2021

How Public Relations and Sales Come Together

Public Relations and Sales


The Public Relations activity in Portugal emerged around the 50s, sponsored mainly by multinational companies. 


Associated with a marketing aspect that appears as a bridge between the various audiences and with the goal of creating a good image of an organization. Since then Public Relations and Sales started to develop closer ties with eachother.


For Ivy Lee, known as the father of PR, LES RELATIONS PUBLIQUES is a communication technique, which aims to create a favourable climate of mutual understanding between an organization and its audiences, where one of the main focuses of its performance is through promotion of the institution’s image with its target (intended audience).


But How Do Public Relations and Sales Within a Company Relate?

This question can be answered if we realize that currently “selling” is much more than creating profit. It is also establishing relationships, market orientation and maintaining the focus on the customer.

For example, just consider the impact that a relevant and well-planned event can have on the life of an organization and on its commercial activity. An appropriate and creative communication tone conveys intangible values ​​and attributes, such as brand image, corporate culture and an organization’s positioning.

Public Relations and everything they involve, undoubtedly play a fundamental role in achieving the company’s commercial objectives. These are also the best tools to reach all audiences and stakeholders, according to the level of involvement and expectations they have towards the organization.


Here is a summary of some of the advantages of using Public Relations to achieve an organization’s business goals:

  1. Create and increase product awareness;
  2. They explain the product’s characteristics to the internal and external audiences;
  3. Stimulate the appetite for shopping;
  4. They transmit and consolidate a trustworthy capital to the public;
  5. Inform and motivate employees for sales;
  6. Build image and generate goodwill;
  7. Promote the brand.


Do you already explore all the possibilities of Public Relations? Ask us how.

Tags: PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, Public Relations professionals, SayU Consulting