Juil 30, 2021

Know the Basic Functions for a Public Relations Professionals

Public Relations functions


Public Relations is a complex subject. For this reason it can have various purposes and functions in any given organisation. It all depends on the said company’s needs and existing practices.


However, one thing is for sure: our goals need to be clear. In order to have any Public Relations division function properly, its roles have to be clarified within the organisation. Fortunately, it is possible making things clear by focusing on the fundamental functions of LES RELATIONS PUBLIQUES.


Professionals in this area have essential roles in managing the entire communication environment of their organizations. They need to have a deep understanding of the interests and concerns of the company’s many stakeholders, and the organization itself.They have to seek a balance between these interests and the expectations to please audiences and stakeholders.


Communication Management functions include:

  • Research – The study of public opinion and behaviour in order to use this information to reflect on what can be done and plan it ahead;
  • Advising – Orientation to the various sectors of the organization; the suggestion of appropriate policies and positioning before the public;
  • Coordination – Guide teams, assume responsibilities, in order to assist in the understanding of communication;
  • Planning – Define in the present what you want in the future and follow the entire planning process, so that your objective is achieved;
  • Execution – The production of communication programs and the various Public Relations tools for companies to engage with their audiences;
  • Evaluation – The use of instruments that control and present the results of the actions taken in order to present ROI values.


Through these actions, Public Relations professionals are able to promote communication within and outside of the organization. It is important to pay attention to both sides of Institutional Communications. Imbalances can lead to major disruptions in company functions. However, there are more Public Relations functions one can explore.

Contact us and explore all the possibilities regarding Public Relations.
Tags: functions, PR, pr functions, public relations, Public Relations functions, Public Relations Portugal, Public Relations professionals, SayU Consulting