Avr 27, 2023

What is Guerrilla marketing and which different types are there?

Guerrilla marketing is a way of advertising by using the element of surprise.


Advertising involves communication with the target audience. Because of the element of surprise, this type of advertising can be particularly effective in increasing awareness.


Guerrilla Marketing

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

In addition to traditional marketing, such as print media, television commercials, billboards, and direct mail, there is also guerrilla marketing. It focuses more on disrupting public spaces and events with unusual, memorable images or activities. Ultimately, this is meant to lead to associating with or buying the brand.

A guerrilla marketing campaign can have a wide reach without the need for a large advertising budget. This is a method of advertising that relies on human interaction in urban areas. Word-of-mouth and social media are used to spread the word. This is a great way to make a big impact on a small budget. These days, most consumers can be found on the Internet. Social media channels are a good digital marketing tool for guerrilla marketing tactics.

Once content gets noticed, it can go viral very quickly. Social media allows users to easily share and repost content across multiple platforms. Examples of digital guerrilla marketing can include an eye-catching video or image that surprises consumers. It can also be a giveaway or contest that supports a good cause.


There are four types of Guerrilla marketing:

  1. Outdoor

In this process, something unusual is placed in an outdoor environment. This is usually done in urban areas where there is a lot of walking traffic. Outdoor guerrilla marketing may involve adding something to a statue, for example. Placing a typical object that promotes the product or service is another example. In this type of marketing, a bench from IKEA could be placed in bus shelters to promote their products.

  1. Indoor

An indoor campaign is the use of enclosed public spaces as advertising vehicles. Think about college campuses, train stations, or museums.

  1. Event ambush

In this type of promotion, a product or service is promoted at an event that already exists. These could be concerts, sporting events, or festivals. In this way, the people who attend the event will be surprised by something unexpected.

  1. Experiential

An experiential campaign involves engaging the audience with the brand. Interacting with the brand is provided. This type of marketing promotion can take place anywhere. This experience can be a sample or an activity that can be chosen on a voluntary basis.

To conclude, Guerrilla Marketing is unique in how it interacts with customers in a surprising and participatory way.


Tags: Guerrilla marketing, marketing, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, SayU Consulting