Avr 27, 2023

What is storytelling and how to use it?

Your alarm rings, still sleeping for a while. After snoozing the alarm several times, you open your phone.


Two missed calls, 11 new e-mails, 3 Facebook messages, and a notification on Instagram. While eating breakfast, you try to answer some messages and emails already. On the way to work, you call back the people whose calls you had missed.


The world is full of stimuli, from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep you are constantly exposed to a lot of stimuli. At the end of the day, what did you really experience consciously and what did you really remember?



What is storytelling?

With storytelling, stories are used to engage the audience in a story. It is also used to make something clearer. Through storytelling, things are often remembered faster. Stories help expand one’s imagination. That is why people watch movies and read books.


How to use storytelling?

There are always four elements in a story. The four elements consist of a character, a problem, an action, and a solution. A story is perceived as boring without a problem. So next to this, action is needed to solve this problem. And finally, a solution so that the story ends nicely.

Use stories to increase your audience’s attention span. Make it more engaging and write something people want to read. Communicate your message through a story so people understand and remember it better. Try to explain information and inspire people to action.


When to use storytelling?

Storytelling can be used for a variety of things. For example, for posting content, product pages, or presentations. Storytelling is also often used in writing.


Why is it important to tell stories?

Earlier we learned that stories make us remember things faster. In addition, stories also make us more empathetic. For example, reading stories brings out different emotions. It can inspire you, make an impact or make you laugh. It can also better convey the essence of the brand. The core values, mission, and vision can be incorporated into the story.

Finally, it can be made more personal through a story. Telling a story makes it easier to connect with the audience. It is sometimes important to show that you are human to connect with the audience.

Sources: 1, 2

Tags: storytelling