Constructing a B2B Community

Constructing a B2B Community

  In the world of business-to-business (B2B) relationships, community management plays a crucial role in building brand recognition, driving customer engagement, and fostering thought leadership.   Unlike in business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships, the customer...
Promoting Customer Fidelization

Promoting Customer Fidelization

  Community management plays a crucial role in driving consumer fidelization for businesses. In order to create a strong and long-lasting relationship with customers, companies need to understand the importance of building a strong community around their brand....
Increasing Reach through Community

Increasing Reach through Community

  Community management is a subset of public relations (PR) that is focused on building and managing online communities. These communities can be any group of people who share similar interests or goals, and they can gather on various platforms, such as social...
¿Cómo mejorar las relaciones con los empleados?

¿Cómo mejorar las relaciones con los empleados?

Improving employee relations requires awareness and consistency. The best way to improve the relationship with your employees is to pay attention to it. Several factors can be focused on when improving employee relations.   Onboarding Introduce employees to each...
¿Qué es el storytelling y cómo utilizarlo?

¿Qué es el storytelling y cómo utilizarlo?

Your alarm rings, still sleeping for a while. After snoozing the alarm several times, you open your phone.   Two missed calls, 11 new e-mails, 3 Facebook messages, and a notification on Instagram. While eating breakfast, you try to answer some messages and emails...