Servicios Multimedia

Servicios Multimedia

Multimedia services came along with the arrival and massification of the Internet, and with the evolution of the new technologies of communication, video creation and production have been gaining preponderance in the promotion of organizations, brands, and their products and services.

These videos are very effective, as long as their duration is short, and may be seen at any moment in any place. Besides, diffusion has a low cost, especially when compared to television broadcasts. The current trend is that video production is gaining ever greater relevance in the marketing strategies developed by companies and organizations. Online dissemination has been progressively gaining a bigger and better return on investment and is also increasingly reaching wider and greater audiences. On top of that, it has another advantage: the videos can be extremely easily shared, which allows for quick propagation and for them to become viral.

There are countless formats, resources, and strategic actions that may be used to promote a brand, an idea, a concept, a product, or a service. Video and multimedia production is one of the most popular because it has the capability to transmit a message to its viewers that is both precise and memorable.

Multimedia services, namely video production, offer a great return on investment because their lifetime may be very long and also because they are one of the most versatile services available in Public Relations and marketing communication fields.

Relaciones Públicas Portugal offers multimedia services and produces audio-visual materials related to an organization’s activity, creating content that enables a differentiated contact in opposition to traditional communication tools and using social media platforms and new digital applications as a distribution channel of video information to present news about an organization’s activity and support the commercial contact promoted among prospects.