All firms dedicated to professional services must, one way or another, implement marketing strategies and tactics to be able to grow. Whether these approaches are conducted formally or informally, and whether they have a specific marketing team or not, marketing...
¿Cómo lanzar una campaña de marketing de guerrilla?
It is getting harder and harder to get people's attention. People have become almost completely desensitized to advertising in the traditional sense. As a result, advertising has been used in a different way. Advertisers started putting their message in places...
¿Qué es el marketing de guerrilla y qué tipos existen?
Guerrilla marketing is a way of advertising by using the element of surprise. Advertising involves communication with the target audience. Because of the element of surprise, this type of advertising can be particularly effective in increasing awareness. ...
What is Neuromarketing and why should you use it?
Neuromarketing brings together neuroscience and marketing. Evidence-based science and marketing are meeting here. To improve marketing effectiveness and ultimately increase sales, neuromarketing is used. This is a marketing discipline that uses neuroscience...
Storytelling technique | The Hero’s Journey
Storytelling is a part of human communication. It has been used in the past to communicate knowledge, history, and culture. But what makes a story good? Why are some stories remembered while others are not? We will discuss the hero’s journey technique. This...
5 Powerful techniques in neuromarketing
Neuromarketing is used to inform decisions in advertising, product development, pricing, design, and other areas. Neuromarketing is a combination of market research, social psychology, and neuroscience. With the help of scientific methods, body movements and...
Using design-based research to tackle a problem or solution
Design-oriented research is a research method from engineering or applied physics. This is a methodological approach in which products are designed for specific purposes. This research method involves first identifying the problem or opportunity that...
Social Proof: The Psychology of influence
In today's world, we are constantly exposed to information, choices, and decisions. Deciding what to buy, whom to trust, and what actions to take can be overwhelming. This is where social proof comes in. It is a psychological phenomenon in which people look to the...
What is an omnichannel strategy and how do you apply it?
What is an omnichannel strategy? An omnichannel strategy is a communication method that uses different channels to offer products or services so that customers can be reached more easily. This method includes online and offline touchpoints, such as, for...
The different types of Public Relations
Public Relations (PR) are an important aspect of Communication, providing a positive perspective on the company from the audience. If there is a negative perspective, the public will avoid using the products or services. The different types of public relations...