With the rapid developments in all forms of technology, Digitalisation was inevitable. However the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the process considerably. Today, Digital Transformation is mandatory for all businesses. However, doing it successfully can be challenging....
Responding to the Pandemic Challenges
The impact of the pandemic, and its multiple consequences posed many challenges. This forced management to think differently. This goal of adaptation and redefinition is associated with Digital Transformation. New forms of Communication are not only tools for...
How the Portuguese Economy is Attractively Unique
The Portuguese economy is unique. It is going through a positive transformation. However, there are still some structural challenges that need correction. For example, some aspects of education, training and productivity. Nonetheless, Portugal is transforming the...
Patience and Persistence in Nation Branding
Nation Branding was the main topic of the conference organized by aicep Portugal Global. Trade & Investment Agency (AICEP) was all about Portugal as brand. One of the key takeaways was that countries need a positive a powerful image, and governments are...
A Plan to Create a Brand Culture for Portugal
Aicep Portugal Global - Trade & Investment Agency (AICEP) organised a conference dedicated to Portugal as brand with two main topics on the agenda. One was to understand how Portugal can distinguish itself in the international stage. Basically, how to brand...
Three Tips to Become a Successful Public Relations Professional
The importance of public relations as a social and organizational function is justified by the need for organizations to establish relationships – or exchanges – with others. It does not matter if they are other organizations, other groups or other individuals....
Know the Basic Functions for a Public Relations Professionals
Public Relations is a complex subject. For this reason it can have various purposes and functions in any given organisation. It all depends on the said company's needs and existing practices. However, one thing is for sure: our goals need to be clear. In...
Public Relations Professionals of the Future
The media world has undergone enormous changes in recent years. Digital Transformation has completely changed the communicational paradigm we once knew. Public Relations professionals must be able to adapt to this new reality and expand their skills. ...