Jul 28, 2021

The Change in Public Relations

Change in Public Relations


As modern life in general changed with the evolution of digital technology, there was also a change in Public Relations.

Today, professionals in the field practice an activity that is completely different from what it was just a few years ago.


They have radically new ways of working, and new methodologies for organizing, leading and managing work.


The most obvious change in this area is related to the changes in the media contact list. Since the beginning of Public Relations as a profession, its experts had recognized the importance of developing a list of media contacts. A comprehensive database they can refer to on whom they could turn to to publish articles about their brand. Before the Internet, this process was easier. Since it was a small and consistent ecosystem, in which journalists spent a lot of time associated with a specific medium.


Modern Media Landscape

Today, the media is anything but small and consistent. The number of publications has increased. Bloggers and influencers are new stakeholders that have gained importance. It is short sighted to not include them in our analyses. Developing a list of media contacts is no longer an easy task. Fortunately, other mechanisms have been developed. There are various software available to accompany this evolution. These new technologies help in identifying who is important so that the most relevant medium and journalist can be chosen to transmit the message of brand.

Before the digital age, measuring the success and impact of a public relations action was quite difficult. So difficult in fact, that many brands just did not do it. Decision makers saw the activity as a necessary cost and not as a method of making a profit. But now we can measure results. We can see the increase in website traffic, the better conversion rates, and better search engine optimization rankings. Finally, we can calculate the revenues that come from it. So we are able to justify additional investment in Public Relations.

We can then conclude that technology has changed the way we produce and consume information. Therefore, it makes sense that it has also changed the way Public Relations teams communicate and measure their results. It is true, change is always a difficult process. However, in the Public Relations game, it is necessary to follow the evolution of the times. There are fundamentals in this practice that professionals must maintain: the existence of strong relationships between stakeholders and a strong brand identity.

Count on us to help you with the change in Public Relations.

Tags: bloggers, digital technology, Influencers, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, SayU Consulting