Sep 23, 2021

Post Pandemic Communication for B2B Companies

Post pandemic Communication


Today, companies are required, today and in the future, to be able to globally address the communication process. Post pandemic communication has to demonstrate coherence, cadence and continuity at every opportunity.


They must have a strategic approach, which includes mapping and managing all stakeholders. If they do all these different areas of specialization right, then they can reach all stakeholders.


The post pandemic world will demand more transparency and trust. It will be essential for companies to increase their reputation. In addition to building and consolidating their relationship with all agents in the value chain. This includes everyone, form the initial raw material supplier to the end customer, passing through all other relevant stakeholders. The latter are the most valuable assets to the company, such as employees, and partners. Regulatory bodies and the government are also firmly in the picture. It is crucial to make innovation known, to build synergies, to cooperate and establish dialogue.

No Communication?

Yes, it is possible for a company to survive without communicating. But it will be more efficient and cost effective to manage the Communication process in a planned and intentional manner and ensure a productive relationship with stakeholders who are essential to its activity. We live in a period of rethought relations, but the need to establish relationships and to do so through Communication is not lost. We can even argue that this is now more relevant than ever.

Communication is now emerging as a function with growing importance. It assumes a new, leading position in the strategic thinking of several companies. Communication is not only the “voice” of brands, as many believe. Communication is the relationship between organizations and their stakeholders. This is the most important facet of B2B Communication. It serves as an anchor to inspire confidence, and to undertake the successful transition to a post pandemic world.

The need and importance for companies to intentionally build and manage relationships with different stakeholders in their value chain is now more evident. The communication process has to become a comprehensive strategic function. One, that allows companies not only to sell products and services, but also to gain notoriety and cement reputation. In turn, making them more successful in achieving their business goals.

Translating Messages

When investing in new markets, brand recognition is a determining factor for accelerating business success. In foreign markets, where companies are often still looking for their space, it is essential to develop notoriety and reputation with Brand Activation that contributes to commercial and operational goals.

In the logic of the B2B business, the customer must be seen as a partner with whom it is necessary to build and manage a relationship of trust in a medium/long-term perspective. It thus makes sense to understand Communication as managing the relationship with partners and key stakeholders in order to develop a successful business activity.

A company can survive without communicating, but it will be more efficient if intentionally and strategically manages the processes of Communicating with different stakeholders. In the current context, investment in creating this relationship is decisive and promises to be a fundamental advantage in the post pandemic world.

Tags: Business, Communication, partnership, PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, Public Relations professionals, SayU Consulting