Sep 29, 2021

How the Portuguese Economy is Attractively Unique

The Portuguese economy is unique.

It is going through a positive transformation. However, there are still some structural challenges that need correction. For example, some aspects of education, training and productivity.
Nonetheless, Portugal is transforming the challenges into opportunities, namely through exportation. Portugal’s economy has shown an export trend over the recent years, while the country started a period of growth which remained solid until the pandemic.

portuguese economy

But as soon as the effects of the pandemic subside, stability will return after 2021. In the area of ​​exports, growth will be higher than the values for Europe and the world. This will prove the competitiveness of Portuguese products and services. The goal is clear: to grow from an export weight of 44% in 2019 to 50% in 2027, and eventually to 53% in 2030. Also, to increase the number of exporting companies from 21.5 to 25 thousand by the end of the decade. In addition to expanding the average number of foreign markets to which companies export from 4,3 in 2019 to 4,7 by 2030.


The Strategies in Place

There are several strategies that are being put in place to make Portugal attractively unique. To aim is to differentiate Portugal from the rest of Southern Europe. This will not only reinforce the touristic attraction power of the country. But will also make Portugal a recognised innovation and development sector. This has already been attracting foreign investment and high skillful workforce. So there already is innovation and development of Portuguese companies and workers.

Other aspect that has impact are the values, and identity, that are the countries actives, that are aligned with a clear vision for Portugal has a living lab for sustainability, has a hub for technology and digital innovation and has “small is smart” – focused on added value rather than scale.


Sustainability and Structural Changes

Portugal is aiming to be a leading nation in sustainability. Its citizens and companies are also starting to realize that this a unique opportunity for growth, job creation, innovation and socioeconomic development. The ambition is there to increase our productivity and competitiveness. We are creating conditions for investment and job creation. This allows companies of the Portuguese economy to grow from small to medium, large, or even global.

These are times of structural changes, with digital and energetic transitions to which the pandemic added new challenges that have highlighted the importance of global and remote collaboration, a new ethic in time and meeting efficiency, faster and more agile digital processes in an environment of constant change that demands alignment, connection and faster decision making need to address the sustainability demands.

Sustainability and ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance – indicators are a growing concern for investors and the world has a whole and Portugal believes in the value of an integrated sustainability strategy with immediate action. A Made and Created in Portugal  with focus, drive, purpose and sustained future investment.

Tags: Economy, Exports, Portugal, PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal