Jul 28, 2021

From Traditional Public Relations to New PR 2.0

Traditional Public Relations


Surviving in the digital age is not a simple task for brands and organizations.


This conjuncture is characterized by a vast array of new gadgets and the predominance of social media platforms. Technology brought great changes in terms of communication. In turn, the way we look at the practice of Public Relations has changed drastically.

Traditional Public Relations is not enough anymore. Thus, it became necessary to adapt to the changes in order to keep up with a new, more competitive, diversified and demanding market.


Contrary to what one might think, Public Relations is not obsolete and nor is it losing value. As a traditional communication tool, it still plays a pivotal role in brand promotion. PR has the ability to earn credibility, to showcase achievements, to demonstrate commitment, to open new paths for communication.


Digital Transformation

What about Digital Marketing and communication? How do we adapt to this new paradigm? Public relations needs to be updated and framed in the light of new transformations. And what does this framework consist of? Firstly, two fundamental aspects must be taken into account: a consistent and quality-driven website and a strong presence in Social Media. Arguably, Public Relations generates traffic. To this end, it requires professional looking and regularly updated platforms. Good sites are visually appealing and have good quality images. They showcase well-defined strategies that reveal the identity of the brand. In addition to displaying a prominent and engaging call to action. A unique digital presence that follows technological innovations, helps companies to gain credibility and to stand out in a highly competitive market.

When we talk about Social Media, the most important thing is to have a notable, active and continuous presence. Without neglecting traditional channels, it is through these new platforms that the different targets will want to communicate. Social Media generates content engagement and builds valuable connections.

Traditional Public Relations is in a good shape. We just need to understand its power in the digital age and the tactics that may amplify it. This involves lots of effort and dedication. But, when its developed in the right way, PR helps the voice of brands and organizations reach unthinkable lengths. Do you need guidance on this crusade?

Contact Us.

Tags: PR, public relations, Public Relations Portugal, SayU Consulting, social media