Crisis Communication Management

Crisis Communication Management relates to the fact that, regardless of their dimension, companies are required to have a constant crisis management. Crisis expose the several levels of readiness and response capabilities of an organization, testing its values, its leadership or its reputation in situations where there is no room for mistakes.

Technology and social media have been exponentially exposing the crisis visibility, which may lead to a bigger exposure of the reputation risk. When a crisis is well managed, with a proper response that results in credibility, the wear tends to be reduced. A mature crisis management, built upon communication, aims to support all of the life cycle of this crisis scenario, from its identification to its overcoming.

Therefore, crisis management is a tool available for organizations to respond to critical situations. By definition, it’s the preparation and application of strategies that may prevent or modify the impact of negative events within the organization. The consequences of poor crisis management are hard to envisage and the survival of companies that are in crisis – depending on how it impacts its audience – may be put to test.

Crisis may call in to question the image of the organization and assay its credibility. The Crisis Communication Management must start with elaboration of a plan that considers different scenarios and respective steps to take. Crisis plans must be transparent and cross-cutting the entire organization, and revaluated, restructured and readapted over time.

It is imperative that everyone can identify a crisis scenario and know what procedures to adopt. Every company is unique and there are no standard crisis. In a time where news became viral almost instantly and fake news spread faster then ever, organizations need to be ready to respond quickly, swiftly and efficiently to any crisis.

Since every company is unique also is the work developed by Public Relations Portugal in Crisis Communication Management.

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