Strategic B2B Communication:  Key Trends and Best Practices

Strategic B2B Communication: Key Trends and Best Practices

  The landscape of B2B communication is in a constant state of change and flux.  In this environment, companies face significant obstacles, challenges, and opportunities when it comes to communicating with their stakeholders and clients. In this regard, for...

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How to take advantage of AI?

How to take advantage of AI?

  To get the most out of these functionalities and potential, it is essential to know how to use AI tools to their full potential. This way, you can fulfil the goal of using artificial intelligence as an aid to successful work.   A premise that is especially...

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AI and ESG at the top of the agenda

AI and ESG at the top of the agenda

  The Marketing, Communications and Public Relations sector has the capacity to grow, adapt and invest. In a constantly changing business environment, it is adopting new technologies, skills and creating conditions to improve well-being, diversity, equality and...

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Constructing a B2B Community

Constructing a B2B Community

  In the world of business-to-business (B2B) relationships, community management plays a crucial role in building brand recognition, driving customer engagement, and fostering thought leadership.   Unlike in business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships, the customer...

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What is storytelling and how to use it?

What is storytelling and how to use it?

Your alarm rings, still sleeping for a while. After snoozing the alarm several times, you open your phone.   Two missed calls, 11 new e-mails, 3 Facebook messages, and a notification on Instagram. While eating breakfast, you try to answer some messages and emails...

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5 Powerful techniques in neuromarketing

5 Powerful techniques in neuromarketing

Neuromarketing is used to inform decisions in advertising, product development, pricing, design, and other areas. Neuromarketing is a combination of market research, social psychology, and neuroscience.   With the help of scientific methods, body movements and...

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Social Proof: The Psychology of influence

Social Proof: The Psychology of influence

In today's world, we are constantly exposed to information, choices, and decisions. Deciding what to buy, whom to trust, and what actions to take can be overwhelming. This is where social proof comes in. It is a psychological phenomenon in which people look to the...

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