How to improve employee relations?

How to improve employee relations?

Improving employee relations requires awareness and consistency. The best way to improve the relationship with your employees is to pay attention to it. Several factors can be focused on when improving employee relations.   Onboarding Introduce employees to each...
What is storytelling and how to use it?

What is storytelling and how to use it?

Your alarm rings, still sleeping for a while. After snoozing the alarm several times, you open your phone.   Two missed calls, 11 new e-mails, 3 Facebook messages, and a notification on Instagram. While eating breakfast, you try to answer some messages and emails...
How to launch a guerrilla marketing campaign?

How to launch a guerrilla marketing campaign?

It is getting harder and harder to get people’s attention. People have become almost completely desensitized to advertising in the traditional sense.   As a result, advertising has been used in a different way. Advertisers started putting their message in...